Helmets from the Heart

Helmets from the Heart is an initiative which provides hand knit helmet liners to our troops, and we’re off to a great start.

To participate, just stop by the shop, purchase a skein of Nature Spun worsted yarn and pick up your free knit or crochet pattern. Save your receipt and when you turn in your helmet liner, we will give you a store credit for the skein of yarn (please bring in your receipt, too).

Helmets will be sent to a central distribution point to be included in individual soldier kits. If you want to include a message of encouragement, you are welcome to do so.

Download the pattern here: Helmet-Liner-woolpackmailer

The first shipment of helmet liners leaves The Woolpack yarn shop in Littleton bound for Operation Troop Support based in Danvers, MA. For the past two months, knitters and crochetters have been participating in the Helmets from the Heart program. Everyone benefits from Helmet from the Heart. Customers pick up a free pattern and purchase a skein of yarn. Finished helmet liners are exchanged for a gift card for the value of the yarn. Operation Troop Support sends weekly care packages to troops overseas as well as supporting family members stateside.

To find out more about ways to support their outreach programs log on to www.operationtroopsupport.org.

To participate in the Helmets from the Heart program visit The Woolpack, 340 Great Rd., Acton.